The first thing that comes to mind when we think of a heart tattoo is that it means love, and if it is true, this image can also be used to represent other meanings in a tattoo. If you want to know what are the other characteristics that represent hearts, I invite you to continue reading the symbology of heart tattoos.
As we have said repeatedly, tattoos can have two main meanings; what the figure represents in itself for society and personal thoughts of who is tattooed. That is why it is very important to know what is the meaning that can be inferred from a tattoo so that it is consistent with what you need.
What does the heart represent?
Throughout history several meanings have been given to the image of a heart, isolation, the elements that surround it can give you a different vision of what you want to represent.
Since ancient times, hearts have been symbols of love, romance and relationships; In the same way, desirable characteristics such as joy, compassion and charity, among others, can be represented with this image.
Taking into account a more spiritual meaning, we can refer to the image of the Sacred Heart of Christ, which implies a symbol of God's love.
Heart tattoos can come in multiple designs, in which they can be alone or surrounded by other elements; Today we will show you the most common and what is its meaning.
Broken heart:
The broken heart is the universal symbol of failed sentimental relationships, although it may also reflect a tribute for a deceased loved one or the lack of love of a particular person towards us.
Heart with wings:
If you want to represent your free spirit through a tattoo, a heart with wings is an ideal option.
Heart with phrases:
Usually hearts with phrases refer to love, although depending on your tastes you can adapt it; Other types of heart tattoos are those in which the name or initials of the couple are intertwined.
Heart with daggers:
When we find a design of a heart with daggers as a complement, the first thing that comes to mind is courage, that is why it is one of the tattoos preferred by soldiers; On the other hand, if in the tattoo the heart is crossed by some object (daggers, swords, arrows, etc.) the meaning changes totally because the sadness is being represented by a love that ends or is not reciprocated.
Bleeding heart:
A heart that is bleeding usually represents a lost love, but - depending on the type of drawing - it can also symbolize the constant flow of life.